STEP 4: Choose Your Design
Family Tree - Add Family Name and Date

The Holy Bible - Wildflowers

The Living Word - Circle Wreath

Tulips - All My Life You Have Been Faithful

Nails in Shape of Cross with Thorns

The Holy Bible - Magnolia Wreath

Bind My Wandering Heart - Flower Wreath

The Holy Bible - Rose Wreath

Cross with Crown of Thorns

Then Sings my Soul with Seashells

The Holy Bible - Floral Wreath
Dandelions Blowing Away With the Wind

The Holy Bible - Square Brackets

John 3:16 - Globe and Cross

The Holy Bible - Sunflower Wreath

Graves Into Gardens - Crown of Thorns/Flowers

Faith - Written In the Shape of the Cross

The Holy Bible - Cross to the Left

American Flag with Cross in the Stars

The Holy Bible - All Cursive

Large Half Lion on Left Side

The Holy Bible - Two Branches Wreath

Large Half Sunflower on Left Side

The Holy Bible - Square Frame

2 Corinthians 6:18 - I Am the Daughter of a King

The Holy Bible - Cursive Letters over Block

1 Peter 1:3-9 - Imperishable w/Flower

Daisy Mason Jar - The Living Word

1 Peter 1:4 Imperishable, Undefiled w/Cross

1 Samuel 16:7 - The Lord Sees Not as Man Sees

Colossians 2:14 - Your Name on Cross

Psalm 18:16 - Your Name on Bracelet

Matthew 18:10-14 - Your Name on the Sheep

Your Name in Lamb's Book of Life

The Holy Bible - Block Letters over Cursive

Floral Bouquet of Wildflowers

Holy Bible - with Cross Below

Isaiah 54:10, John 1:16 - Grace Upon Grace

Holy Bible - Flower Garden

It is Well with My Soul - Hymn Lyrics

I Will Sing - Hymn Lyrics

Be Thou My Vision - Hymn Lyrics

Wildflower Mason Jar w/Butterfly

Names of God - In Cross Shape

Philippians 4:13 - All Things Through Christ

Joshua 1:9 - In Shape of Cross

Ephesians 2:8 - In Shape of Cross

Joshua 1:9 - Be Strong and Courageous